Monday, July 15, 2013

Nationals Day 4: Competing, Workshop and Swamp Tour

Up at 7a today to get hair and make-up ready to compete then met the team to stretch. 

Going backstage before competing Under Ice. 

Under Ice got a Gold! and the group went to do a team photo. 

Then the girls all took a contemporary dance workshop. It was a huge class. At least 100 kids. 

This afternoon we went on a swamp and bayou tour. It was gorgeous and so fun!  Here's Lynnette and I on the bus. 

The swamp was so green and beautiful. 

We saw so many alligators. 

Here's Zoe holding a baby gator. He was so cute and had a very soft belly!  

Also got a crazy downpour of rain at one point.  It was really neat. The swamp was so lush and although you could hear the  bugs buzzing in the marsh, other then some really cool and colorful dragonflies we didn't see/feel any other bugs which was pleasantly unexpected. Everyone loved the tour!

After the tour we went to get beignets at the famous Cafe Du Monde. Damn they were good!  

New Orleans is such a fun place to walk around. Lotsa street performers and people playing music and singing everywhere.  

Back in Chico Jordan is continuing to have a ball.  Today she bowled 2 games with her cousins. Here is Jordan's Pepper, the bowling pro, giving her some pointers. 

And then of course there was pool time with Luke this afternoon. 

Here's my little sweet pea who calls me to FaceTime multiple times a day. I love hearing about all her Chico adventures. 

Tomorrow Zoe competes on pointe for the first time as the Snowflake Queen dancing with JP in the Snowflake Waltz. Then she competes 2 of her solos in the afternoon. Lots more to come. Good night all!  

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