Friday, June 29, 2018

Day 1: Intensive for Zoe & Start of Competing for Jordan

And so the journey begins!  This is our schedule of events for the next 9 days.  Any item highlighted in yellow is when either Zoe or Jordan or both will be competing.  For all of our sanity and to keep us organized I created a Grisim specific schedule combining both their events together, making multiple copies for me & the girls, as well as posting it on our hotel wall.  I’ve obviously been doing project management, system implementations and dance mom-ing for quite some time. I got this! 👊

First up today is a ballet dance intensive that Zoe will be doing for the next 2 days from 9am to 5pm.  Here’s her schedule:

She also got a new, beautiful black leotard. Love it! Excited to have Tegan back with us from Oregon to compete once again with the Shely Pack Dancers! 👯‍♀️

Zoe was born on December 14th & her student number is 14. I think that’s a good sign!  Superstitious much?!

Just finished dropping Zoe off at her intensive. Now time to go get Jordan ready for her solo preview with the judges.  Oh boy!


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