Thursday, June 28, 2018

Junior Miss Dance Contestants

After the contestants from the 4 age divisions- Petite (7 to 9), Junior (10 to 12), Teen (13 to 15), & Miss/Mr (16 to 18), met as a group in the main ballroom for orientation, they split into their age divisions to get further instructions from their title director. 

Here are all the Junior Miss Dance contestants that Jordan will compete against who won their regional competitions from the various Dance Masters Chapters around the US and Canada. Jordan is contestant #9. Yay #9!!

Here she is looking very focused and serious. Part of what they do during the orientation is check that the girl’s awards dress, which they will wear for awards the night of their solo competition, adheres to the competition rules. For Junior Miss contestants their dress must be tea length and cannot be strapless.  Do you know how hard it is to find a tea length dress?!!  We needed to buy a full length one & have it shortened. First hurtle cleated! 

Tomorrow morning starts with the solo preview with the judges.  This part of the competition is not scored but allows the judges to see each of the contestants perform the solo they will compete the night of their title competition. Although not scored, the judges are allowed to take notes. With the large number of contestants competing this allows the judges to get a look at each contestant individually before the scored competing begins.  No spectators other than the contestant’s teacher are allowed during this portion of the competition.  

In the afternoon Jordan will have judges evaluations in tap & acrobatics, both of which are areas Jordan doesn’t feel super strong in.  Saturday she will have an interview with the judges in the morning, then ballet and jazz evaluations in the afternoon. Hopefully she should do great in all of those on Saturday!  

Tomorrow and Saturday Zoe is doing an all-day, 9am to 5pm, ballet intensive. Here’s hoping it’s fun for her. Zoe does not start competing until Sunday. 

Ok, enough for tonight. Both Zoe & Jordan are sound asleep.  Time for me to do the same.  Tomorrow will be a busy day for all!  

Peace out. ✌️ 

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