Friday, June 29, 2018

Day 1: Tap then Acrobatics Auditions

This afternoon, while Zoe is back in her ballet intensive, Jordan has 2 audition classes. One in tap, then one in acrobatics.  Each class is an hour long and is scored on a scale of 1 to 20 points. The format of the class is like the TV show "So You Think You Can Dance".  They are all taught a combination, they run through it a few times, then they call their number in groups of 4 & they perform it to be scored by the judges.  They throw out the score of the lowest scoring & highest scoring judge and take the 3 scores remaining. A perfect score for the class would be 60 points. 

Jordan felt pretty good about how she did overall in her auditions.  She said the tap combo went well. She just put a big smile on her face & went for it.  Unfortunately they also wanted to see each contestant go across the floor individually doing a short combination of a few different steps. Bummer for Jordan that one of the steps they were asked to do she’s never done before.  Not what you hope for, doing a step for the first time, in a audition & by yourself.  Definite character builder!  

The evening ended with Jordan having a 4 Hour rehearsal from 5pm to 9pm for the opening number that all the contestants perform at the start of the Junior Miss Dance Pageant which will be Tuesday night. The choreographer is the amazing Ashley Wells who was a Rockette & is a fabulous choreographer.  Here’s Jordan ready to go off to rehearsal. 

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