Saturday, June 30, 2018

Day 2: Interview with the Judges

On Saturday Jordan started her day with an interview with the judges.  Each contestant needed to submit a resume as part of the registration process.  For the interview they are called into a room one at a time & the panel of judges are sitting at a table.  In typical panel interview style each judge asks them a question. For a 12 year old, Jordan’s resume contains things on it like years of taking different types of dance, interest & hobbies, any special performances she has done, along with school activities.  

Here’s Jordan reviewing her resume on her phone & getting into "interview mood" prior to heading down for check-in. 

Feeling confident & looking interview ready. 

Wishing Courtney good luck prior to her interview. 

Once the contestants check-in they wait until their contestant number is called.  Again, no observers in the room, just the judges. 

Jasmine is contestant #24 for Teen Miss Dance so she had awhile to wait for her interview. But she was looking very sharp & per usual, in a good mood with lots of smiles. 

There’s Jordan is in the background of the picture up next to go in. Best picture I could get from a distance. 

     Jordan felt really good about how she did in her interview.  They asked her about choreographing for her school musical, what her contemporary solo called Fear is about, and what her favorite & least favorite parts of the competition are for her. Man, she had some really great answers for all their questions. So proud of her! ❤️

After her interview we had little time to kick back on our hotel patio & decompress prior to afternoon audition classes. 

We met up with Zoe to have lunch outside during her break from her ballet intensive. There is a big area out in front of the hotel where they have a bunch of glorious smelling food trucks and places to sit & eat in the shade. Just another beautiful day in So Cal with a light breeze & about 78 degrees. Had a very yummy Greek salad with gyro meat on it. Delicious! 😋 The girls split a gyro bowl & an açaí bowl. Extremely satisfying lunch had by all. 

After lunch Zoe gave Jordan a little pep talk in prep for her jazz & ballet auditions this afternoon. Tips on her posture for ballet, arm positioning & flow as well as lots of personality & confidence in jazz. All very valuable big sister who’s been there, done that pointers.  

Now back to the room for hair, make-up and outfit change for Jordan’s afternoon auditions. 

More later....

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