Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 1: Arriving to All Star Dancers Convention in NYC

This morning JoJo and I were up at 3:30am to catch a 6am flight to the Big Apple for the All Stars Dancer Convention. Jordan was invited to attend this convention after scoring a Platinum at the Masquerade Dance competition in May. 

Here she is at the check-in. We are both so excited to be here! 

And getting her backpack of goods & All Star lanyard proudly representing the Shely Pack Dancers.

Dressed & ready to go to the group dinner. 

A bunch of the girls had their hair in this twist. So Jordan had to do it as well. Nice job!  

On the way walking back to the hotel we had to buy this blinged-out NY baseball cap. 

After getting back to the Marriott Marquise in Time Square we went to the Concierge's Lounge for a drink. 


Our room is on the 30th floor. What a view!! 

Tomorrow we will be up early for a group city tour. Lots more to come over the next few days. Bye for now......

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