Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 4: Opening Party

Tonight was the officially opening party to the 2016 DMA Convention. Jordan danced in the opening number and had a blast. She was right in the front row. Here's the girls prior to starting their final rehearsal. 

And my sweet Jordan Pie all excited to perform.

All the title contestant groups were introduced at the beginning of the party. Here's the line up of the Teen Miss Dance contestants. 

Quick group shot of some of them after they got off of the stage. 

Zoe & another contestant in the Teen competition. 

Zoe with Max & Tegan. 

Selfie with my girls. It was a country themed party. Thus, the cowboy hat! 

And one with Jason, President of our chapter, Chapter 1. 

Of course gotta get one with Daddy. 

Maybe 2 with Daddy. 

Selfie with Vicki. 

And one with Miss Shely & Miss Grace. 

Zoe in front of the fountains after the party was over. Can hardy believe this is my Zoe. How & when did she get so mature and beautiful?! 

And one with both my sweet girls.

Well it's almost midnight. Wanted to get these posted before going to bed. Tomorrow will be another busy day of competing & rehearsals. But hoping to see some fireworks tomorrow night. 

Bye for now my fab followers. 😎😍😘

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