Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 3: Dance Class with a Broadway Performer

This morning Jordan took a dance class with the female lead from Phantom of the Opera. She talked to them about what it is like to audition & be in a Broadway show & answered questions they had. Then they stretched, did some combinations down the floor & learned a combination from Phantom from the Masquerade Ball scene. 

Here is Jordan with her 2 yellow group leaders, Sarah & Kelly, this morning prior to walking to the dance studio. 

Waiting to go into the Broadway Dance Center studios. 

Picture of her group for the class.

While Jordan was in class I sat in Herald Square, drank my green tea iced tea & people watched. Fabulous! 

They even had a big rack of magazines for people to read while sitting in the square.

Jordan was so excited when she came out of the class. The dancer/teacher singled her out and put her in the middle, front for the combination. She told her after class that she really did a great job & really stood out to her. 😃👍

Here she is showing off her autograph on her tee shirt. 

And having some gelato with a big smile. 

After our gelato we walked 22 blocks to this huge, old bookstore that we passed on our tour yesterday called Strand Bookstore. They advertise they have 18 miles of books.  All Jordan wanted to do was to go back there & look at the books. Bookstores are her all time favorite type of store. She loves books!

They had both new & used books. Jordan especially liked the really old books. 

They also had a rare book room with some very old first edition books. Many signed by the authors or with writing in them from book reviewers or previous owners. 

Some were in cases & cost many thousands of dollars. This one was $3,000. But we saw some that were $10,000+!!

Tonight we are going to see Fiddler on the Roof. A huge favorite of mine!  Very excited. 

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