Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 4: Zoe at Preliminaries

This morning Zoe competed 2 numbers in Prelims. First was her duet with Max to Sister Christian. Zoe did an amazing job doing her own eye make-up today. Better than I could ever do it!  

And no false eye lashes here. Oh to have such long, thick lashes!  Major lash envy. 

Here they are at 7:30am prior to stretching, rehearsing then performing. 

Such a pretty routine. They really have a great connection together. 

There they are on stage in their opening pose before starting. Snuck a quick pic with my flash off of course. 

And with Shely afterwards. 

Following the duet with Max was Zoe's duet with Tegan. Here they are debriefing from their auditions yesterday while stretching. 

Their duet was beautiful. And their leotards looked awesome on stage. Everyone was pleased with how they did. 

Now heading back to the room for Zoe to change for workshop classes this afternoon & Jordan to get ready to compete her musical theater solo. 

But first gotta take advantage of a photo opp. on the way back to the room. 

Must go now to do Jordan's hair. Later..

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