Sunday, July 24, 2016

Zoe in NYC for Joffrey Summer Intensive

Flew Zoe out to NYC late yesterday after having to rebook our flights twice due to issues going on at my work. We made it to NY about 12:30p last night instead of Friday evening as was the original plan. 

Today we got up & headed to her home for the next 3 weeks on the Upper West Side of NYC in a nice, quiet neighborhood located near many places to eat, Starbucks, Whole Foods, TJMax; etc.  

Here is her room. Very small. She will be with 2 other girls both 14 years old. One named Gianna from St Louis and one named Athena from New Jersey whose Mom actually works in NYC. So yes, I got her cell number just in case. 

They each get one drawer and there is a small cabinet for hanging clothes and they each get one shelve in that. There is a small bathroom with a toilet, sink and shower but there is air conditioning!!  It was 96 in the city today. Broke a record from 1999.  Yes, it was hot!!

Here is her schedule for the coming week   So exciting!!  

Ok gonna go so this will post before I take off. On the plane, just upgraded to First Class!!  Woo hoo!!  

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