Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 2: Orientation and Judges Solo Preview

Today we were up & at'em at 6:30am (need I say 4:30am PT).  The day started with an orientation for all the title holders. Zoe is a pro at doing her own hair & make-up. Praise the Lord & pass the hairspray & false eyelashes!

Tegan & Zoe both smiling despite the early hour. 

Lots of rules & regulations to remember. And for heaven sakes don't screw up anything or points get deducted. Yikes!

Next milestone- getting the contestant backpack & badge. 

Little sister coming to wish her big sister good luck with the judges preview. 

And while Zoe stretches, Mom works on stoning her headpiece. Yes indeed, more stoning. Always more stoning!  

Judges solo preview is an opportunity for the judges to see each of the solos prior to the competition beginning. This part is not scored but the judges are allowed to take notes. This is where they hone in on those they think are the top contestants so they can keep an eye on them through the week. 

Last minute refresh on the make-up. 

And run through of her solo one more time before performing it for the judges. 

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