Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 8: The Day After Teen Miss Dance

Obviously never did get back in to blog last night. Zoe did an amazing job competing her solo last night. She was absolutely stunning. She got into the Top 10 but did not get into the Top 5. When she was not called into the Top 4 we thought that maybe she had won. But it was not to be. And although I am sure she was a little disappointed, she did not show it. She felt great about how she did so that's what matters most. There were so many fabulous dancers, don't know how the judges can pick. So here's my last post from the Teen Miss Dance of America competition 2016. 

Zoe doing her final touch up on hair & makeup after performing the group opening number which was so great. It was a very fast, upbeat jazz number. Loved the choreography!   

Of course.......stretching

Shot with Tegan who came out to ongratulate her after she was done competing her solo. 

And some pics after awards. Her dress was gorgeous on stage under the lights. It just sparkled like crazy which doesn't come across in the pictures. 

Opening a gift from Grandma Kenlynn back at the room afterwards. 

Everyone is still sleeping and it's after 10am.  We were up until past 2am last night having pizza and talking about the night. 

Gonna be a low key day today before the high score awards from PAC tomorrow. PAC is the portion of the competition where Jordan competed her solos & Zoe competed her duets. Tomorrow they give the Top 10 awards in each division (by age; 6 divisions) in each category (by number of people in the dance- solo; duo/trio; small line; large line; production numbers & extended numbers) & combined across all the types of dance (ballet; jazz; tap; lyrical; contemporary; hip hop; musical theater; acrobatics).  

Then at the end of the high score awards they pick the Top 5 in each category for 12 years old & under and then 13 years old & over, to compete in Grand Nationals tomorrow night. So this is across almost a thousand routine form the whole competition all week. Whew!  Talk about tough to judge.

Now Mom can finally relax a little.  Ahhhhh...... 😌

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