Sunday, July 10, 2016

Day 10 and 11: Last Day, Closing Banquet and Heading Home

This will be my final blog for DMA 2016 until I get home & can load some of the professional competition photographer pictures on my computer. 

Zoe and Tegan did great competing their duet in the Grand Nationals Championship.  They didn't win it but the duets they were competing against all had national champions in them & most of the dancers were over 16 years old. So it felt pretty cool that their duet scored up there with the big dogs. Bravo ladies! 👏

Here they are posting on snapchat after competing in the Championship. It was almost 9:30pm by this time. 

This is good, let's post it. 

Such a great partnership. Lotsa love here!

Right after Zoe & Tegan competed, there was a huge thunder & lightening storm that took out the power in the ballroom & hotel until the back up generators kicked in. Kinda eerie to have everything go black in the huge ballroom packed with people even if it was just for a few seconds.  Jordan was very freaked out!  She's not used to those kind of storms. 

Yesterday we were able to get out of the Gaylord bubble for a few hours. We walk around the Grand Ole Opry and went over to the near by mall. 

Man the mall was packed. Probably because it was as hot as a sauna on HIGH outside!  However there was a cool Aquarium restaurant with some beautiful, colorful tropical fish in it. 

After getting back from the walk on the surface of the sun (yes we are from Half Moon Bay where it gets over 75 & everyone complains of the heat!).  Jordan got in some pool time with Lara & Tegan while I enjoyed an adult beverage by the pool with Rob, Tegan's dad. 

Jordan, posed & making a statement, even at the pool. 

Last night was the closing banquet of the convention. The family was all dressed up & looking sweet!  We were running late & I had to run back to the room to get our banquet tickets which we forgot in the room so mom is not pictured. Dang it! 😣

Jordan & Lara carried the Chapter 1 banner in the parade of Chapters at the start of the banquet. 

Max escorted Zoe & Tegan as the reigning title holders from Chapter 1. 

Lara, Tegan & Jordan all had an amazing week representing the Junior Competition Team from the Shely Pack Dancers. 

So proud of these girls. They both worked so hard to get to nationals & both danced with passion from the heart. What more can you ask for?!  

Congrats on a job well done Zoe & Tegan. May the memories & friends that you made this week last a lifetime. 

And to my Jordan Pie who achieved all her goals this week. Way to crush it Sweet Pea!!  

And not be forgotten, the Dance Dads who were looking dapper & hung in there providing love & support through all the highs & lows of the last 10 days. 

No words left to describe how I feel. My heart is full!! 💙💛💚💜❤️💝💕😘

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