Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 6: Jordan Competes Steam Heat

Well lots of drama leading up to Jordan competing her musical theater number today. Brad & I were with her back stage to check her in. We wished her luck, gave her a kiss and went to watch her from the audience. We sit down & the announcer says, "Can I please see a representative from Shely Pack Dancers."  So since neither Shely or Grace were there, I walk up to the announcer's table at the front of the room to see what the issue is. He tells me that he does not have the music for Steam Heat. So I momentarily freak out, then quickly gain my composure and frantically start texting Shely & Grace. 

A few of the other Moms jump in to help & take off to try to find Grace who is judging in the group competition room. And since Jordan was supposed to be next up to compete, I rush back stage again to let her know what's going on. The minute I tell her they don't have her music she bursts into tears right as the back stage coordinator walks up and says to her, "OK sweetie, they found your music, so you're up next."  

So I wipe her tears away, give her another kiss and head back out to the audience to watch her, my heart pounding out of my chest & sweating up a storm thinking, come on girl, get it together & go for it. Well not only did she pull it together, she totally killed it!!  She had so much personality, great technique and was thoroughly entertaining. You'd never know she was in tears 2 minutes previously. 

When she was done a random older gentleman came up to her as Brad & I were congratulating her and he says, "I've watched 30 or 40 different solos this afternoon and yours was my favorite!  You are a great dancer."  Wow! That made her feel good.  

Here's Brad giving her a pep talk back stage before competing as her nerves started to kick in. 

Checking out the competition. 

And......drum roll please. ANOTHER PLATINUM award!!!  AMAZING!!  And not only that but the head judge called her out to give her a special judges award that she called the "Total Package"! Jordan was beyond thrilled. Her goal going into Nationals was to get Platinums on both her solos & (hopefully) get a special judges award. Goals- BOOM!!

Following the excitement of the afternoon we got ready to go see Tegan compete for Junior Miss Dance of America. All the contestants from the other divisions wear their crowns & sashes & go support the contestants competing. 

Here's Zoe looking oh so pretty for Tegan's competition. 

And a sister pic as we grabbed a quick dinner. 

Tegan did an amazing job competing her solo for Junior Miss Dance. Here's Jordan congratulating her after she came off the stage.  She didn't make it into the Top 10, but nonetheless she was fabulous! Very proud of her & all the hard work she put in to get to this point. 

Jordan & Lara after the pageant this evening. 

And Brad & Zoe heading back to the room to get ready for bed. It's well after 11pm. 

Tomorrow is Zoe's big day. First she competes her duet with Max at o'dark thirty tomorrow morning- 7:30am!!  Whoever sets the times on these competitions should have their head examined!  πŸ˜–After competing she has her final rehearsal for Teen Miss Dance from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Then the Teen Miss Dance of America competition starts at 8pm tomorrow night. With Zoe being contestant #20, it will likely be about 9:45pm tomorrow night when she competes her solo. OMG!  Mom is nervous already!  πŸ˜°
Well it's after 1am now & I need to be up by 6am with Zoe. Must get a few hours in before starting the big day. Will try to find some time to blog tomorrow between all the activities. 

Despite my lack of sleep it will definitely be a decaf day for me. Not gonna need anything that could increase my heart rate. 😲 Just hoping I can have all the nerves tomorrow & Zoe can be in the zone & do what she does best.  πŸ™ 

Nite, nite all!  πŸ˜˜

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