Monday, July 4, 2016

Day 5: Jordan Gets a Platinum on her Solo!!

I know I already blew the exciting news in the headline, but gonna write it again. Jordan got a Platinum on her contemporary solo!!  She is so thrilled. It's no easy feat getting a Platinum on your solo at Nationals. You have to have everything spot on- technique, musicality & emotion. She had it all!! So proud of her. 

Her teacher Miss Grace was judging the group competition in another room so Jordan was all by herself backstage waiting before she went on to compete.  That can be kinda intimidating for a 10 year old. There is a panel of 5 judges. They throw out your high score & low score & you get the score of the middle 3 judges. 

Here she is with her award & smile for days.  

That's my girl!!  BOOM! πŸ’ƒπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ‘

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