Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 2: Dinner, Modeling and Rehearsal

Picked up Zoe from her auditions. She came out looking good & feeling fine. 

Prior to the evening rehearsal the contestants had to put on their awards dress to get the thumbs up that it meets the required specifications for a title holder in their age category. Teens are required to have a full length dress, no trains or waterfalls, nothing strapless or low cut.  But can have as much sparkle as the law will allow. 

Zoe's dress is a beautiful champagne color that fits her like a glove & sparkles like a clear night sky full of stars. Ok, gonna take it down at notch now. ☺️  But seriously, the pictures don't do it justice. It really is the perfect dress for her. 

After getting her dress approved, she changed into her dance clothes & went into a 2 hour rehearsal. Brad, Jordan & I, on the other hand, went to a lovely Italian fest.  

Wonderful salad!  

Yummy pasta!

And some oh so lovely wine. 

But the evening would not be complete without one final modeling session with yours truly. 

Of course gotta get a few with Daddy. 

And one with Mommy. 

Zoe finished her rehearsal at 9pm and we headed back to the room to get ready for bed. What a day!  Covered some ground for sure!  Ended up walking 12.12 miles. Yee haw!!

Tomorrow morning will start with a panel interview with the judges. This is usually a strong area for Zoe. But first, must have a good night sleep. Bye for now my faithful blogettes.  😘

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