Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 6: Max Competes His Solos

Just a quick blog from this morning. Zoe had a morning Teen Miss Dance rehearsal and Max competed 2 solos- one lyrical and one contemporary. He scored Platinums for both!! Nice job Max. He was all smiles afterwards. Great to see after all his hard work!  

Looking good with his 2 Platinum plaques. 

This afternoon Jordan competes her musical theater number, Steamed Heat. She's not quite as comfortable with this one as with Sunshine, but she's ready to go out there & give it her all. 

Hair done, check; hairpiece in, check; ready for makeup, you bet'cha! 

Once again Mom aces the hair & makeup. Platinum for Mom! 

All ready to go stretch & get in the zone before competing.  


Gotta stretch the feet...and toes?  Ouch! 

Earbuds in & listening to music while mentally picturing a flawless routine. 😍

Much more relaxed today than yesterday. 

More to come after competing. 😘

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