Monday, July 4, 2016

Day 5: July 4th Competing

Zoe was up early with a Teen Miss Dance rehearsal starting at 8:30am. Immediately following her 3 hour rehearsal, she competed her duet with Tegan. 

Here is Tegan & Jordan scooping out the competition stage & strategizing their plan of attack.  

Miss Grace was judging the group competition today but came out at a break to run through a few pointers with Zoe & Tegan before they competed. 

Here they are after they competed. They nailed it doing it even better than prelims.  

Here the are waiting to take some pictures with the competition photographer. Gotta love the cut on the back of their leotards. 

Here they are getting some pictures taken. Nice job girls!  

Each of the numbers that competes gets an individual score which translates to a Silver; High Silver; Gold or a Platinum designation. Their duet got a Platinum award!! 

They also got a special judges award that was called "Double Impact". The judge said, "I rarely ever say this, but this duet had intricate choreography with near perfect technique".  Here is Zoe getting the award. Nice job girls!  Something to be proud of & to make Miss Grace very happy. 

First thing this afternoon Jordan competed her contemporary solo called Sunshine. Here's my Sweet Pea!  

She felt great about how she did. Miss Shely & Miss Wendy gave her performance a big thumbs up. 

Pants & comfy boots back on & ready for lunch. Being 2pm that half a smoothie for breakfast is long gone now!  

Couple of shots from lunch. The lighting in this lush atrium bubble world we are in is amazing for taking bright, crisp, colorful pictures. 

Now waiting on afternoon awards to see how Jordan scored on her solo. 👌 Oh, and Happy 4th of July to all!  ðŸŽŠðŸŽ‰

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