Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 7: Zoe and Max Compete Their Duet

In anticipation of the early morning competition, Zoe did her makeup before going to bed last night so she wouldn't have to get up at 5am to do it. Now that takes planning ahead to a new level!   

Here she is with her Audie & full makeup asleep in bed (as Mom takes her picture!). Always more pictures...

But you know what, it worked!  She got up this morning, makeup fully intact, brushed her teeth, put on her lipstick & did her hair. A 30 minute process (vs. the usual 1.5 hr.) & she was good to go. 

While Zoe & Max stretched, Kandace (Max's Mom) & I went into the competition room to get some seats. 

Well no trouble finding a seat! We were the first ones in the room.  Not even the judges or MC had arrived yet. Come on people!  Where is everyone?!  It's already 7:15am! Slackers. 

Despite it being 7:30am they brought it this morning. Those 2 were made to dance together. Lots of chemistry between them. I think they're going to score very well on it! Shely was extremely pleased with how they did. 

Here they are with Shely after competing. 

And meanwhile my little sweet pea, still on cloud 9 from yesterday, was up early to watch her sister & Max compete. Following their performance Jordan headed into workshop classes for 4 hours.  She did ballet, contemporary, jazz and lastly hip hop. 

Here's Jordan with a buddy she made in the class. Both in yellow leotards. Bright & sunny for an early Wednesday morning. 🌞

Well guess what?  Jordan was awarded a "DMA Star" button from the Jazz choreographer after class!  Each choreographer gives a few out after each class to the students who they think tried the hardest & did the best in their class. And let me tell you, the class was packed! 100+ kids in it. 

This girl is on fire for sure! 

Zoe is done with rehearsal now & back in the room taking a nap. Good for her!  5.5 hours of sleep last night isn't gonna cut it for her big night tonight. Brad, Jordan and I are representing at the awards from the morning session.  Will let you know how Max & Zoe did on their duet a little later. 😎

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